Important SI Unit (System International) List Of SI मात्रक | All for Competitive Exams... - JANGIR ACADEMY | Online Study Portal

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Important SI Unit (System International) List Of SI मात्रक | All for Competitive Exams...

Important SI Unit (System International)

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Important SI Unit (System International)
आधार राशिप्रतीकवर्णनSI मात्रकबिमा का संकेतटिप्पणी
लम्बाईlकिसी वस्तु का एकविमिय विस्तारमीटर (m)L
द्रव्यमान mकिसी वस्तु में द्रव्य (पदार्थ) की मात्राकिलोग्राम (kg)Mextensive
समयtकिसी घटना की अवधिसेकेंड (s)T
विद्युत धाराIविद्युत आवेश के प्रवाह की दरampere (A)I
तापमानTAverage energy per degree of freedom of a system.kelvin (K)Θintensive
पदार्थ की मात्राnNumber of particles compared to the number of atoms in 0.012 kg of 12C.मोल (mol)Nextensive
ज्योती तीव्रताLAmount of energy emitted by a light source in a particular direction.कैन्डेला (cd)J
व्युत्पन्न मात्रकचिह्नविवरणSI मात्रकविमाटिप्पणी
Heat flux densityϕQAmount of heat flowing through a surface per unit area.W m−2M T−3
Angular speed (or angular velocity)ω or ωThe angle incremented in a plane by a segment connecting an object and a reference point.rad s−1T−1scalar or pseudovector
ठोस कोणΩMeasure of the size of an object as projected on a sphere.स्टेरेडियन (sr)1
Magnetic fluxΦMeasure of quantity of magnetism, taking account of the strength and the extent of a magnetic (Wb = kg m2 A−1s−2)M L2 T−2 I−1scalar
Mean lifetimeτAverage time needed for a particle to decay.sTintensive
StressσAmount of force exerted per surface area.PaM L−1 T−22-tensor. (or scalar)
Electric charge densityρQAmount of electric charge per unit volume.C m−3I T L−3intensive
Linear densityρlAmount of mass per unit length of a one dimensional object.M L−1
Energy densityρEAmount of energy per unit volume.J m−3M L−1 T−2intensive
Area densityρAThe amount of mass per unit area of a two dimensional m−2M L−2
(Mass) Density(volume density)ρThe amount of mass per unit volume of a three dimensional m−3M L−3intensive
PermeabilityμMeasure for how the magnetization of material is affected by the application of an external magnetic field.H m−1M L−1 I−2intensive
Chemical potentialμThe amount of energy needed to add a particle to a system.J mol−1M L2 T−2 N−1intensive
WavelengthλDistance between repeating units of a propagating wave.mL
कोणθMeasure of a change in direction or orientation.रेडियन1
Dynamic ViscosityηMeasure for the resistance of an incompressible fluid to stress.Pa sM L−1 T−1
PermittivityεMeasure for how the polarization of a material is affected by the application of an external electric field.F m−1I2 M−1 L−2 T4intensive
Surface tensionγAmount of work needed to change the surface of a liquid by a unit surface area.N m−1 or J m−2M T−2
Angular accelerationαRate of change in angular speed or velocity.rad s−2T−2
ImpedanceZMeasure for the resistance of an electrical circuit against an alternating current.ohm (Ω = kg m2 A−2 s−3)L2 M T−3 I−2complex scalar
Mass fractionxMass of a substance as a fraction of the total
WorkWEnergy dissipated by a force moving over a distance, scalar product of the force and the movement vector.joule (J = kg m2 s−2)M L2 T−2scalar
WeightwAmount of gravitation force exerted on an object.newton (N = kg m s−2)M L T−2
VolumeVThe three dimensional extent of an object.m3L3extensive
VelocityvSpeed of an object in a chosen direction.m s−1L T−1vector
SpeedvRate of change of the position of an object.m s−1L T−1scalar
Specific volumevThe volume occupied by a unit mass of material (reciprocal of density)।m3 kg−1L3 M−1intensive
Electric potentialVThe amount of work required to bring a unit charge into an electric field from infinity.volt (V = kg m2 A−1 s−3)L2 M T−3 I−1scalar
Half-lifet1/2The time needed for a quantity to decay to half its original value.sT
Torque (moment of force)TProduct of a force and the perpendicular distance of the force from the point about which it is exerted.N mM L2 T−2pseudovector
SpinSIntrinsic property of particles, roughly to be interpreted as the intrinsic angular momentumof the m2 s−1M L2 T−1
EntropySMeasure for the amount of available states for a system.J K−1M L2 T−2 Θ−1extensive, scalar
Reaction raterMeasure for speed of a chemical reaction.mol m−3 s−1N L−3 T−1intensive
Electrical resistanceRThe degree to which an object opposes the passage of an electric current.ohm (Ω = kg m2 A−2 s−3)L2 M T−3 I−2scalar
HeatQAmount of energy transferred between systems due to temperature difference.JM L2 T−2
Electric ChargeQAmount of electric charge.coulomb (C = A s)I Textensive, conserved quantity
PressurepAmount of force per unit area.pascal (Pa = kg m−1 s−2)M L−1 T−2intensive
PowerPThe rate of change in energy over time.watt (W)M L2 T−3extensive
MomentumpProduct of an object’s mass and velocity.N sM L T−1vector, extensive
ImpulsepThe cause of a change in momentum, acting on an m s−1M L T−1vector
Index of refractionnThe factor by which the speed of light is reduce in a medium.1intensive
MagnetizationMAmount of magnetic moment per unit volume.A m−1I L−1vector field
RadianceLPower of emitted electromagnetic radiation per solid angle and per projected source area.W m−2 sr−1M T−3
InductanceLMeasure for the amount of magnetic flux generated for a certain current run through a circuit.henry (H = kg m2 A−2s−2)M L2 T−2 I−2
Angular momentumLMeasure of the extent and direction and object rotates about a reference m2 s−1M L2 T−1conserved quantity, pseudovector
WavenumberkReciprocal of the wavelength.m−1L−1
Thermal conductivitykMeasure for the ease with which a material conducts heat.W m−1 K−1M L−1 T−3 Θ−1intensive
Current densityJAmount of electric current flowing through a surface.A m−2I L−2
Radiant intensityIPower of emitted electromagnetic radiation per solid angle.W sr−1M L2 T−3scalar
Moment of inertiaIInertia of an object with respect to angular m2M L2scalar
Magnetic field strengthHStrength of a magnetic field in a material.A m−1I L−1vector field
Dose equivalentHMeasure for the received amount of radiation adjusted for the effect of different types of radiant on biological tissue.sievert (Sv = m2 s−2)L2 T−2
Electrical conductanceGMeausure for how easily current flows through a material.siemens (S = A2 s3 kg−1m−2)L−2 M−1 T3 I2scalar
Luminous flux (or luminous power)FPerceived power of a light source.lumen (lm = cd sr)J
FrequencyfThe number of times something happens in a period of time.hertz (Hz =s−1)T−1
ForceFThe cause of acceleration, acting on an object.newton (N = kg m s−2)M L T−2vector
IlluminanceEvTotal luminous flux incident to a surface per unit area.lux (lx = cd sr m−2)J L−2
IrradianceEPower of electromagnetic radiation flowing through a surface per unit area.W m−2M T−2
EnergyEThe capacity of a body or system to do work.joule (J = kg m2 s−2)M L2 T−2extensive, scalar, conserved quantity
Electric field strengthEStrength of the electric field.V m−1M I−1 L2 T−3vector field
Electric displacementDStrength of the electric displacement.C m−2I T L−2vector field
(Radioactive) DoseDAmount of energy absorbed by biological tissue from ionizing radiation per unit mass.gray (unit) (Gy = m2 s−2)L2 T−2
Heat capacityCpAmount of energy needed to raise the temperature of a system by one degree.J K−1M L2 T−2 Θ−1extensive
Specific heat capacitycHeat capacity per unit mass.J kg−1 K−1L2 T−2 Θ−1intensive
Molar heat capacitycHeat capacity of a material per unit amount of substance.J K−1 mol−1M L2 T−2 N−1intensive
Molar concentrationCAmount of substance per unit volume.mol m−3N L−3intensive
CapacitanceCMeasure for the amount of stored charge for a given potential.farad (F = A2 s4 kg−1m−2)I2 T4 M−1 L−2
Magnetic flux densityBMeasure for the strength of the magnetic field.tesla (T = kg A−1 s−2)M T−2 I−1pseudovector field
AreaAThe two dimensional extent of an object.m2L2
AccelerationaRate of change of the speed or velocity of an object.m s−2L T−2scalar or vector
(Radioactive) ActivityANumber of particles decaying per unit time.becquerel (Bq = s−1)T−1extensive
Specific energyAmount of energy present per unit mass.J kg−1L2 T−2intensive
Molar entropyAmount of entropy present in a system per unit amount of substance.J K−1 mol−1M L2 T−2 Θ−1 N−1intensive
Molar energyAmount of energy present is a system per unit amount of substance.J mol−1M L2 T−2 N−1intensive
Catalytic activity concentrationChange in reaction rate due to presence of a catalyst per unit volume of the system.kat m−3N L−3 T−1
Catalytic activityChange in reaction rate due to presence of a catalyst.katal (kat = mol s−1)N T−1
Absorbed dose rateAbsorbed dose received per unit of time.Gy s−1L2 T−3
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